Monday, April 4, 2011

Super Awesome Vegan Birthday!

Okay, I haven't updated in a few days because things have been crazy! Saturday I worked, did Relay for Life Azusa, and celebrated my birthday with my family. Sunday, my actual birthday, I had brunch at Flore Vegan, got a pedicure, went to Disneyland, and had a surprise dinner party at Downtown Disney!

There were a number of veganish things I wanted to discuss, so I'll start with my birthday dinner on Saturday. My mom, who is awesome, made soyrizo and potato enchiladas. The recipe is super easy!

1 package of soyrizo
1 package of Daiya cheddar or other soy cheese
10 tortillas
4-5 baking potatoes
1 can of red enchilada sauce
1 brown onion, chopped

My mom usually bakes the potatoes in the microwave for about seven minutes. While she's doing this, she heats up the soyrizo with the onion. When the potatoes are done, she roughly cubes them and throws them in the pan with the soyrizo. After about 3-4 minutes of cooking it, she warms the tortillas (this can be done on a comal or in the microwave) and fills the tortillas with two or so heaping spoonfulls of the potato/soyrizo mix and puts them in a glass baking dish. When they are all filled, she pours enchilada sauce over them and adds the cheese on top, enough to cover each enchilada. She bakes them for 10 to 15 minutes on 375 and then deliciousness ensues!

I was so excited about eating them, I forgot to take a picture until I was already eating them. So here you go :)

As you can see, we also had tacos, beans and homestyle chips.

My mom also took her first foray into baking to make me a vegan German chocolate cake using the chocolate cake recipe from How It All Vegan!

As you can see, I am eager to eat said cake. It was very choclatey and thick. Delicious. It went really well with So Delicious vanilla ice cream!

I had a great pre-birthday dinner, thanks to my awesome mom. I am going to do the Flore review in my next post.

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